on A2Zzwebtrainer |leading industry experts

Pauline Sanders

Pauline Sanders


Pauline has over 25 years of experience in Healthcare Quality Management, which includes risk management and legal nurse consulting. She has directed and managed clinical risk management for several large healthcare organizations. She has a certification in risk management (CPHRM) from the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) and an American Bar Association (ABA) approved certificate in legal nurse consulting. She is also certified as a legal nurse consultant by the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC).

Pauline’s expertise, enthusiasm, and passion for mentoring healthcare professionals will shine through to reveal her devotion to guiding attendees to develop skills for critical thinking, which is necessary to solve problems in medical risk management.

Pauline has chaired, co-chaired, and participated in over 250 root cause analysis meetings.